The Best Zipline Course on Hawaii (Big Island) | things to do in Hawaii that you won’t forget

Feels like we’re going to jurassic park Right now even henry and erica behind It’s four years and up so that’s why Henry can’t come but next year We’ll see oh yeah you know it’s gonna be Adventure when they make you sign a Massive waiver [Music] Two miles long nine lines going over 18 Waterfalls This is the mama falls zipline Experience Let’s go i’ll show you around [Music] This is moving i’m at umauma zipline Right now This place is worth stopping it has zip Lining atvs Waterfall rappelling horseback riding Has a little bit of everything today I’m going ziplining it’s going to be Adventure two miles of zip lines Nine different lines going over 18 Waterfalls That’s why i love hawaii you got stuff Like this [Music] Well that looks like fun great stop on The hamakua coast It’s to come ziplining there’s a ton of Like eco adventure kind of parks all Along this coast It’s kind of like the wild rugged part Of hawaii waiver signed i got my gopro

I’m ready to weigh in get my wristband Get going [Music] What’s nice about zip lining is you Don’t need much it’s Four and up you have to be less than 235 Pounds at this establishment And you need to close those shoes which I did not bring because i always wear Slippers But they had some for sale here we go [Music] Loading up go to the zip line course two Miles I’m gonna explain the rules okay and Then we’re gonna tell you You’re good to go you only go when we Say those words you’re good to go You’re good to go good to go okay you’re Good to go good to go You can go whenever you’re ready good to Go man So when do you go when we say yeah I got robbers my friend he’s definitely Scared of heights so i’m really proud of Him for coming out here He’s uh fighting his fierce all right Number one here we go Oh there we go That was the warm-up that was number one Let’s see what else we got here So number two is the highest 145 feet [Music] [Music]

So you literally just follow down umama Falls the whole way sorry for a dirty Lens a little wet out here right now There’s a half mile zip line right over The river 40 50 miles an hour What’s nice with the umama experience is They break for you they don’t give you Gloves tell you not to touch anything Metal They’ll slow you down so it makes a nice Smooth landing just kind of enjoy Yourself you don’t have to worry about Like You know crashing into the platform All right strap you in and then you go It’s like a little added treat you gotta Go across this front suspension bridge Feels like indiana jones oh way up top On the volcano and you’re just rolling Down towards the ocean More things to see as you go i met this Guy in kailua kona and he was rocking a Mama falls zipline shirt and we’re like Hey have you done before Gonna try it he’s like he’s not six Times every time he comes a big on give It a try he just absolutely loves it I can see why especially this last one Line number nine He says the best because you go over This gulch and you’re just flying so Fast And it’s just a nice way to end the day

What are we waiting for right now bud What’s daddy doing No that’s not daddy Okay we should know we had lunch at the Little cafe here There will be a full cafe up and running Soon right now it was just Freezer meals they used to have a full Cafe pre-covered have a lot of fun Right on they also have a car Store that you can go take yourself on Self-guided There are horses there are plenty of Places to relax so if you are like us And waiting for somebody who’s doing the Zipline experience Not a bad place to wait the view is Pretty nice This might be him this is daddy yay Daddy Daddy that was that was messy that was Really cool Very cool experience [Music] All right this one’s called elite we got Three but one in a row [Music] You