Where Can I See Active Volcanoes In Hawaii?

Imagine standing on the dramatic cliffs of Hawaii, surrounded by the endless beauty of lush vegetation and the vibrant colors of the Pacific Ocean. Your eyes shift to the horizon, where the sky meets the sea, and in that very moment, you realize your heart’s desire: to witness the awe-inspiring power of an active volcano. Hawaii, renowned as a volcanic paradise, offers an extraordinary opportunity for adventure seekers to witness firsthand the raw strength and natural wonders of these majestic forces of nature. So, where exactly can you witness the remarkable spectacle of an active volcano in Hawaii? Let’s embark on a journey that will lead you to the most spectacular volcanic sights in the Aloha State. If you’re a nature lover and have always been fascinated by volcanic activity, then Hawaii is the perfect destination for you. With its stunning landscapes and active volcanoes, the islands offer a unique and awe-inspiring experience. In this article, we will guide you through the best places to see active volcanoes in Hawaii, and also provide some valuable safety guidelines to ensure that you have a wonderful and safe exploration.

Where Can I See Active Volcanoes In Hawaii?

Discover Hawaii’s Hidden Gems

Big Island

The Big Island is home to two of the most active volcanoes in the world – Kilauea and Mauna Loa. Kilauea is known for its constant lava flow and breathtaking displays of volcanic activity. The volcano has been erupting continuously since 1983 and offers a rare opportunity to witness the raw power of nature. You can explore the Kilauea Visitor Center, which provides information about the volcano’s history and current conditions. There are also hiking trails that take you closer to the lava flows, but make sure to check for any safety advisories before venturing out.

Mauna Loa, on the other hand, is one of the largest volcanoes on Earth and is considered one of the most massive mountains in the world. While it is not currently erupting, it is still worth a visit due to its impressive size and geological significance. Hiking to the summit of Mauna Loa is a popular activity, but it requires proper planning and preparation due to its challenging terrain and high altitude.


Maui is famous for its picturesque landscapes and is home to the Haleakala volcano. Haleakala, meaning “House of the Sun” in Hawaiian, is a dormant volcano where you can witness a breathtaking sunrise or sunset above the clouds. The summit of Haleakala is accessible by car or on foot through various hiking trails. It is recommended to check the weather conditions before planning your visit to ensure clear skies for the best views. Don’t forget to bring warm clothing, as the temperature can be quite chilly at the summit.

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While Oahu is known for its vibrant city life and stunning beaches, it also offers a chance to explore a dormant volcano. Diamond Head, located in Honolulu, is a volcanic tuff cone that offers panoramic views of Waikiki and the surrounding areas. The hike to the summit of Diamond Head is relatively short, but it includes some steep sections and a series of stairs, so it is advisable to wear proper footwear. Once you reach the top, you’ll be rewarded with a breathtaking view of the island and the Pacific Ocean.


Kauai, often referred to as the “Garden Isle,” is known for its lush green landscapes and dramatic cliffs. One of the highlights of Kauai is the Nā Pali Coast State Park, which showcases the island’s stunning natural beauty. Though not directly related to volcanic activity, the park offers a glimpse of the geological formations that contribute to the island’s unique landscape. You can explore the park through hiking trails or take a boat tour along the coastline to marvel at the dramatic cliffs and cascading waterfalls.

Where Can I See Active Volcanoes In Hawaii?

Plan Your Dream Hawaiian Getaway

Volcanoes National Park

To truly immerse yourself in the world of volcanoes, a visit to the Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island is a must. The park offers several attractions and experiences for visitors to witness the power and beauty of volcanic activity up close.

Chain of Craters Road is a scenic drive that takes you through a landscape shaped by historical volcanic eruptions. Along the road, you can witness the varying forms of lava flows and the dramatic coastline. Some sections may be closed periodically due to volcanic activity, so it is essential to check with the park rangers for any advisories.

Crater Rim Drive circles the edge of the Kilauea Caldera and provides stunning views of the summit. Along this drive, you can stop at various overlooks to admire the steam vents and the vast volcanic landscapes. Make sure to visit the Jaggar Museum, located along Crater Rim Drive, which offers valuable information about volcanism and showcases geological exhibits.

Exploring the hiking trails within the park is an incredible way to experience the volcanic landscapes on foot. The options are varied, ranging from short walks to longer treks, and cater to different fitness levels. Some popular hikes include the Kīlauea Iki Trail, which takes you across an old lava lake bed, and the Devastation Trail, which offers a unique perspective of the aftermath of an eruption.

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

As part of the United States Geological Survey, the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) plays a crucial role in monitoring and studying volcanic activity in Hawaii. Located within the Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, the HVO offers valuable insights into the science behind volcanoes.

The Jaggar Museum, previously mentioned, is a feature of the HVO and provides educational exhibits about the volcanoes in Hawaii. Here, you can learn about the monitoring systems that the observatory uses to track volcanic activity and study volcanic gases. The museum also offers ranger-led programs and lectures for visitors interested in delving deeper into the world of volcanology.

One of the standout features of the HVO is the Thurston Lava Tube. This naturally formed lava tube offers a unique opportunity to walk through a cave-like environment created by flowing lava. As you explore the lava tube, you’ll be surrounded by intriguing rock formations and gain a better understanding of the volcanic processes that shaped the Hawaiian Islands.

No visit to the HVO is complete without a stop at Halema’uma’u Crater. This impressive crater is located within the summit caldera of Kilauea and is often filled with a sulfurous gas plume. Observing Halema’uma’u Crater provides a rare chance to witness volcanic activity and serves as a reminder of the dynamic nature of the Hawaiian Islands.

Where Can I See Active Volcanoes In Hawaii?

Experience Hawaii’s Unique Attractions

Helicopter Tours

For a truly unforgettable experience, consider taking a helicopter tour over the volcanoes. These tours offer a unique perspective of the volcanic landscapes and provide unparalleled views of active lava flows. Two reputable helicopter tour companies in Hawaii are Paradise Helicopters and Blue Hawaiian Helicopters. Both offer a variety of tour options, allowing you to customize your experience and witness the breathtaking beauty of Hawaii’s volcanoes from above.

Boat Tours

Another way to witness the power of volcanic activity is by taking a boat tour to see the lava entering the ocean. Lava Ocean Tours and Kalapana Cultural Tours are two of the most respected companies offering boat tours on the Big Island. These tours provide an up-close encounter with the mesmerizing lava flows as they meet the ocean, creating spectacular steam plumes and new land formations. However, it’s important to note that volcanic activity can be unpredictable, and there may be periods when lava is not visible or accessible.

Where Can I See Active Volcanoes In Hawaii?

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Guided Hiking Tours

If you prefer a more immersive and active experience, guided hiking tours are an excellent option to explore the volcanic landscapes. Hawaii Forest & Trail and KapohoKine Adventures are two reputable companies that offer guided tours on the Big Island. These tours provide informative guides who will share their knowledge about volcanoes and the surrounding ecosystems while leading you through stunning trails and unique geological features.

Safety Guidelines

When exploring the active volcanoes in Hawaii, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Here are some essential safety guidelines to keep in mind:

Education and Information

Before visiting any volcanic site, educate yourself about volcanic hazards and the current conditions. Check with the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory or the respective park authorities for updated information. Familiarize yourself with the signs of volcanic activity, such as increased seismicity or gas emissions, and know how to respond accordingly.

Monitoring Systems

Pay attention to the monitoring systems and any safety advisories in place. These systems are in place to protect visitors from imminent volcanic hazards. Follow any instructions provided by park rangers or tour guides and stay within designated safe zones. Remember that volcanic activity can be unpredictable, and conditions can change rapidly.

Respecting Volcanic Hazards

Volcanic activity can create various hazards, such as lava flows, toxic gases, or volcanic ash. Respect any warning signs or barriers indicating dangerous areas. Stay away from active lava flows and avoid walking on recently cooled lava surfaces, as they may be unstable. It is also essential to carry appropriate protective gear, such as sturdy footwear, face masks, and sunscreen, to ensure your well-being in volcanic environments.

In conclusion, Hawaii offers a plethora of opportunities to witness active volcanoes and experience the raw power of nature. From the active volcanoes on the Big Island to the dormant ones on Maui and Oahu, each island has its own unique geological wonders. Remember to prioritize safety by staying informed, respecting warning signs, and following the instructions of park authorities and tour guides. So, pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for an unforgettable journey through Hawaii’s volcanic landscapes.

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